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Graphics Standards Libraries and Tools


KL Group Inc

XRT/3d for Motif is a sophisticated three-dimensional surface, bar andcontour graph widget for X application developers. With XRT/3d,developers can easily build 3-D display and interaction into their Motifapplications. SRT/3d provides over 140 resources that control how datawill be displayed. It can automatically contour and zone data, andhandle missing data values. XRT/3d can also produce 4-D graphs. Endusers can use the mouse to rotate, zoom and shift graphs interactively.XRT/3d can report the exact coordinates clicked on by the user, to allowselection of graph points.XRT/3d uses the same object-oriented programming interface as Motif, soapplication development time is reduced. Graphs can be output inPostScript, CGM and bitmap formats. There are no runtime fees orroyalties for distributing end-user applications built with XRT/3d.XRT/3d is internationalized: all X fonts, including 2-byte fonts such asKanji, are supported. A fully localized version of XRT/3d is availablein Japan, with Japanese documentation.XRT/3d is available on Alpha/OSF, Alpha/VMS, DECstation, DG Aviion,HP9 700/800, IBM RS6, QNX, SCO ODT 386/486, SGI, Sun(TM) systems,Unix V.4 386/486 and VAX/VMS.System Requirements: XRT/3d for Motif requires 15 MB of disk space.OSF/Motif Release 1.1.x or 1.2.x and X11R4 or X11R5 is also required.Display requirements: Applications built with XRT/3d may be displayed onany X11 Release 4 or Release 5 compliant Window server including Xterminals, PCs and workstations running X Window Server software.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.2,2.3 Solaris x86 2.1

KL Group Inc
260 King St E 3rd Fl
Toronto, M5A 1K3
Phone: (416) 594-1026
        (800) 663-4723
Fax: (416) 594-1919